The Spokane Arena Video System features a OutFront Media 6.7mm LED Display.
Aspect Ratio:
1080i (1920px by 1080px tall)
Frame Rate: 29.97
720p (1280px by 720px tall)
Frame Rate: 59.94
Still file types accepted:
.jpg or .png
Video file types accepted:
Codec | Audio |
Apple ProRes422 (HQ, LT, Proxy) Apple ProRes4444 (w/ alpha) QuickTime Animation RLE (w/ alpha) H.264 Avid DNxHD XDCAM EX 35 VBR |
48KHz, 16-bit, stereo, PCM uncompressed |
Codec | Audio |
DVCPRO100 DVCPRO HD Matrox MPEG2 I-frame |
48KHz, 16-bit, stereo, PCM uncompressed |
The Spokane Arena ribbon board is a 350° LED display which spans the perimeter of the 200 level fascia.
1,264 pixels wide by 48 pixels tall (tiles edge-to-edge 12 times)
File types accepted:
.mov or .jpg
Standard Duration:
16 seconds
LED display on the exterior of the building above the NE Main Entrance doors.
1792 pixels wide by 112 pixels tall
File Types Accepted:
.mov or .jpg
Standard Duration:
10 seconds
Spokane Arena Concourse Monitors
1920 pixels wide by 1080 pixels tall
File Types Accepted:
.mov or .jpg
TicketsWest Box Office Monitors
1080 pixels wide by 1920 pixels tall
File Types Accepted:
240 pixels wide by 128 pixels tall
File Types Accepted: